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This is a pale, black-spotted thrush - large, aggressive and powerful. It stands boldly upright and tend bounds across the ground while in flight, it has long wings and its tail has whitish edges, and the under-wings are white. The Song Thrush has yellowish under-wings, and is less aggressive than the Mistle Thrush. It is most likely to be noticed perched high at the top of a tree, singing its fluty song or giving its rattling call in flight. Generally they tend not to join in the dawn chorus, but rather sing on sunny mornings and afternoons. They nest in trees, laying several eggs in a neat cup-shaped nest lined with grass. The Mistle Thrush is a common bird in the UK, found almost everywhere, It can be seen in woodland, parkland and gardens. The Mistle Thrush's closest relative is the similarly plumaged Song Thrush.
Maximum Recorded Age11 years, 4 months
Typical lifespan3 years
Age at First Breeding1 year
First clutches laidLate March
Number of broods1
Number in Britain400,000
Conservation Status UKAmber
Status in UKMigrant/Resident Breeder, Passage/Winter Visitor
Fledging14-17 days
HabitatForest, woodland, towns
First Record8th Century
Egg Size30x22 mm
Egg Weight7.8g
Clutch Size4 eggs
Incubation15-16 days
£55.96 £93.16
£57.72 £63.50